Autumny items in my room

The older I get, the more I love autumn. I love these yellow and red color shades, I love the last sunny days, I love spending the whole Saturday in my bed with a cup of coffee or tea watching the leafs falling or sky raining.

That incredibly warm feeling when it's cold outside and you're wrapped into your blanket watching a film or reading a book. Oh, comfort.
So in this post I want to show you some items in my room that tell me that Autumn is finally here.


I love candles, especially in Autumn. I mean, I love them all the time, but lighted and burning candles I love especially in Autumn. They make me feel so comfortable and make my room looks so warm. I guess I don't have to explain, cause you like candles too, don't you? Haha


Yes. I mean, yes. I do love my warm autumn and winter clothes and I'm not gonna explain that haha


That's something I especially like in my room. Probably some of you might think that it's too childly or something, but I love these things. It's something that personalizes my room, gives it a character and characterizes me as well. 

I hope you still like this short and a bit pointless post haha! And I also hope I inspired you even a little  bit xx
Go and decorate your home if you haven't yet!
xx, D
