Hello there! I can barely call myself a beauty blogger and I'm definitely not good at reviewing products....
Hello there! As you may know, a few days ago Way Inspire had its first anniversary. This blog...
Hello there! What do you think of bullet journaling? I definitely have a strong feeling of bullet journals...
better late than never Hello there! I'm a bit late with my summer favorites, but still, here they...
Hello there! Today here's gonna be a bit of personal post, something from my latest experience I want...
Hello there! Woah, it's been a long break in blogging for me due to some life changes and...
Hello there! Have you ever dreamed of visiting Amsterdam? I have! And finally, I've got an opportunity to...
Hello there! As I'm packing my bags for my upcoming Paris weekend, I decided to share a few...
Oh wow, I'm 19 today. OH WOW. Hello there! It's happening, it's my birthday today! ...
Hello there and welcome to the last part of my Italy trip! ...
Hello everyone! I don't know about you, but my [last] college year is coming to its end. That...
Hello there! A couple of weeks ago I was nominated for the Liebster Award by lovely Sara from...
Hello there! ...
Hello there! Today, let me take you to wonderful old Venice! I've also already done a post about...
Oh wow! Spring is finally here, guys! I won't tell that it doesn't feel like spring in Russia...
Hello everyone and welcome to festive Venice! In this post, I want to show you a tiny piece...
Hello everyone! I've been thinking of how to start this post creatively, but since I have problems with...
I actually planned to do that post while I've been traveling, but I couldn't and I'm really upset...
My story of postcrossing began more than 3 years ago when my friend told me that she exchanges...
I'm looking for new moisturisers for my skin literally all the time. And I was surprised when a...
I have literally no idea how I came up with this post. Probably I just feel like something...
[part 1] Hello there! My previous post about improving your photography skills popped out really popular, and it's...
Hello there! As you may know or may not know, here in Russia we have a very long...
Hello there! If you've been reading my blog for some time already, you may know that I love...